Community rallies around seniors after bus breaks down on freeway
A letter to the editor from Mary Kay Walker
To the editor:
How can we say thanks? For over 15 years the senior citizens of Flower Mound have been wishing and working for a senior center. In July the Seniors in Motion group will move into the Shirley Voirin Social Senior Center next to Town Hall. The town is working to make the best use of the 4,800-square-foot building to meet the needs of the seniors. SIM Auxiliary, Inc. has held fundraisers to help furnish the building. The seniors are making progress.
One of the activities the seniors enjoy is traveling to local events. Last Wednesday, May 25, the seniors attended an afternoon game of the Texas Rangers in Arlington. The game went down to the last inning, so not many people had left early. (The Rangers beat the White Sox 2-1!) This made for a big traffic jam trying to get away from the stadium.
The town has provided a bus to the senior program for years, but the bus was purchased secondhand. We have babied this bus, but Wednesday it went on its last trip. The bus died on us on Highway 360 at Glade Road. As steam poured from the broken radiator, we said our goodbyes on the side of the freeway. We must have made quite a sight.
The seniors want to thank Christine Diamond-Bond for coming to our rescue and taking a group for a restroom break and to buy water. To all the others, including the Euless police, who stopped to make sure we were OK and verify that help was on the way, we say, “Thanks.” Highland Village sent their bus to pick us up. Don had just completed a trip for the seniors to the Dallas Zoo, but he hopped back in his bus and came for us. We are most appreciative.
The Town of Flower Mound has a replacement program in place for the bus, but the money is not there yet. The seniors need a bus now.
SIM Auxiliary was formed to assist the SIM program. For two years we have held fundraisers with the main goal of helping furnish the senior center. But there are many more needs, as demonstrated last Wednesday.
Our next fundraiser is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, at Fish City Grill, 2628 Long Prairie Road in Flower Mound. This is an all-day event, with a portion of the day’s sales going to SIMA to help the seniors. Please support the seniors by coming out for a great meal. I usually get the honey chipotle shrimp tacos, but everything is good.
Mary Kay Walker
President of SIM Auxiliary, Inc.